The Fayetteville Doulas | Childbirth Education Classes: Modern, personalized classes to prepare you for your journey.
Baby-Led Weaning: Human Food for Tiny Humans
The Fayetteville Doulas | If you’re considering BLW for your little one, here are answers to the top five questions.
You. Are. Not. Alone.
I want to scream these words for all the mothers to hear. All the mothers who are holding their heads just above the water line. All the mothers who are gasping for air, trying to make it through the next hour let alone the entire day or week. You are not alone. Over the last
What You Need to Know About Bengkung Belly Binding
Learn about the benefits of traditional Malaysian method of belly binding; Bengkung.
Breastfeeding & Postpartum Depression
When a baby nurses every two hours and the latch is painful every time, and baby fusses and constantly pops off the breast, we start thinking “What is wrong with me? What am I doing wrong?”
TRICARE and Breast Pumps 101
Expecting or just had a baby? Here’s 101 information on how to get your breast pump covered by Tricare.
Why Fayetteville Families Hire a Birth Doula
The top reasons why families in Fayetteville NC choose to hire a birth doula!
Bonding With Your Baby: When it Doesn’t Happen Right Away
The disparity between her expectations and the reality of a squishy, floppy, wrinkled, infant may delay the bonding.
Tampons, Cups, Pads, Oh my!
A brief overview of some alternatives to disposable pads and tampons.