Deciding to take childbirth education classes is an intelligent decision. Preparing for childbirth and bringing home a newborn might be one of the most overwhelming and time-consuming tasks you’re faced with. While our community does have options for free classes, such as hospital-based classes, these can often be scheduled at inconvenient times or are filled with information you won’t find useful or helpful. Read more about the benefits of childbirth education classes here.
What makes our classes different?
- Our class instructors are not employed by or affiliated with any area hospitals but are well-versed in local hospital policies and protocols.
- We present unbiased and up-to-date information that is important to you.
- Our classes leave you feeling comfortable with the childbirth process and prepared to handle any outcome that may present itself.
- Our private classes provide the space and time for discussion and personalization.
- Schedule your class(es) on a day and time convenient to you.
- Private classes allow us to tailor the class to your needs. Birthing at home? We can discuss what to expect. Planning on an epidural? We’ve got you covered.
- Learn how to utilize the Motherboard Birth Plan App to further your childbirth education experience and create a collaborative birth plan. You also receive a promo code when you schedule a private class.
- Interested in scheduling a private class with a friend? Contact us to discuss pricing and a discount!
Create Your Own Class
Birth Prep Topics
Evidence-based information and hands on activities will prepare you for your birth experience and any birth scenario.
Our Birth Prep class discusses important topics such as:
- fetal positions and the labor process
- labor signs and what contractions feel like
- common interventions such as AROM, Pitocin, and monitoring
- medical pain relief options
- common OB tools
- common scenarios such as induction or unplanned cesarean
Newborn Care Topics
Learn the skills to care for your newborn! Using up-to-date and evidence-based information, we will help build your confidence as a new parent.
You’ll learn newborn basics such as:
- swaddling (how to, when not to)
- soothing your baby
- changing diapers
- bathing tips
- baby’s cues for hunger, pain, and sleep
- car seat safety
- normal newborn behavior and common concerns
- when to see your pediatrician
Comfort Measures Topics
Labor is painful, there is no denying that. But you can arm yourself with knowledge, tips, and tools whether you’re planning to go pain-med free or use medication.
You and your birth partner will learn:
- how the uterus, baby, and your body work together
- medical pain relief options
- labor positions and their benefits
- methods to ensure maximum comfort during labor
- pregnancy and postpartum comfort tips
- tools for your birth bag
Infant Feeding Topics
Planning to exclusively breastfeed or use a bottle? Be prepared for feeding your newborn, no matter the method.
You’ll learn:
- the basics of breastfeeding
- when to seek out an IBCLC for feeding help
- how to introduce a bottle to your baby
- how to be a successful breast and bottle feeding parent
- how to prepare and offer formula safely
- an overview of pumps and tips for pumping effectively
Postpartum Prep & Recovery Topics
You’ve planned for your birth, now let’s plan for an optimal postpartum recovery.
Discussion topics include:
- what to expect
- your body after birth
- recovery & pain management
- feeding methods
- when to seek help from an IBCLC
- episiotomy vs tearing
- must haves
- postpartum mood disorders & baby blues
- herbs for after birth